UmtPlus Case Study
Improving Productivity at Avon Products
The Base Plus programs with the UmtPlus software at Avon have earned the project teams the President’s Award, which recognizes contributions for dramatic improvements in the supply chain. Avon is realizing productivity improvements of 25% to 70% in some areas.At the same time, the associates are enjoying incentive SOLUTION payments of 10% or more in their paychecks.
Emergency Hospital Success Story
Using UMT technology, a multidisciplinary team gathered data on patient movements as well as the various tasks performed by emergency personnel, including doctors, nurses and orderlies.
IT Success Story
With one click, all of the collected information was instantly compiled. The results stunned the continuous improvement team.
FedEx Success Story
The major benefits of using UmtPlus® include; data integrity, improved data quality, the ability to get data from across facilities and then unify the data. Plus, it’s easy to learn how to use, and saves us a lot of time.
UmtPlus® Saves you Time and Money
On average, the Engineering Consultants found that their study time per piece of equipment was reduced by 60%,and the manual data entry time was eliminated.
Streamlining the process with UMT was more than welcomed by the engineers
UMT has not simply reduced the amount of paperwork we have to analyze; it has eliminated it.